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Advanced Technical Diving Certifications

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Advanced technical diving certifications are available for those who wish to pursue them. TDI offers Intro to Tech courses as well as Advanced Nitrox, Decompression Procedures and Advanced Nitrox, while PADI offers Tec Trimix or Deep Diver courses. The TDI Advanced Nitrox course introduces advanced diving techniques for recreational Nitrox divers. The course covers equipment usage, gas switching, and advanced emergency techniques, such as lift bag deployment. For more information, please visit the TDI Website.

TDI Intro To Tech Course

The TDI Intro to Tech standalone training course will allow you to increase your recreational training while also gaining a deeper understanding and skill set in advanced technical areas. It can also serve as a great introduction to TDI's advanced courses, such as Advanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures. It can also be used as a refresher course for those who have taken technical courses. During the course technical instructors from TDI will evaluate your skills.

The TDI Intro to Tech course for divers who have not used twin cylinders, a wing or a wing is designed for those who are new to diving. It also covers advanced gas management and buoyancy control. Students will also acquire situational awareness and trim skills. The course is taught in open cenotes, or at sea. Advanced gas planning techniques are also taught. This course is designed to improve your open water diving skills and introduce you to the technical equipment configurations. You will also learn advanced gas planning techniques. The course is strictly non-decompression. However, you are allowed to use enriched nitrox during the course.

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TDI Advanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures course

TDI Advanced Nitrox and Deco Procedures courses prepare divers for accelerated and staged decompression. The course covers advanced gas planning, management and safety techniques. Students also learn how they manage their equipment and plan to handle any unexpected events. A TDI Advanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures course includes four dives with a maximum depth of 40 meters (130 feet).

This course can be taken either as a standalone or in conjunction with an Advanced Nitrox or Decompression Procedures certification. Advanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures classes are performance-based and last for four days. Six dives above 30 meters are required. Students complete the course according their own experience and needs. This course prepares students to dive in advanced technical conditions, including wrecks in Scapa Flow or the UK.

PADI Tec Trimix course

The PADI Tec Trimix 90 course is the final stage of the PADI Technical Diver open circuit path. This certification course allows you to explore deeper waters and places where few others have been. This course is for experienced tec divers who wish to expand their diving range and explore deeper waters. A valid dive license is required. You also need to pass a medical check in order to be certified as trimix diving. Two 30cf stage bottles are required and a mask.

For the PADI Tec Trimix course, the Tec Trimix 65 diver must have logged at least 350 dives, including at least 50 decompression dives with a trimix less than 21 percent oxygen. The course also includes technical diving techniques. The course also includes multiple teaching scenarios. It is the highest level of technical diving certification. The requirements for this course are higher than the PADI Tec Diver course.

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PADI Tec Deep Diver course

PADI's Tec Deep Diver certification offers recreational divers more advanced training. This certification covers four diving trips, which include a practice in safety stops and descents. You will also learn to use technical diving equipment like a side-mounted cylinder, EANx and EANx. Also, you'll learn how to plan a deep dive as well as manage your gas supply. Online and offline lessons are both possible through the PADI Tec eLearning program.

Unlike the previous PADI courses, this program can be completed in two years. First, you must be certified by Tec 50 from an approved organization. The certification must include technical deep diving, pure oxygen diving, and decompression diving to 50 metres. Additionally, the PADI Course Director conducting the Tec Deep Instructor course may also offer Tec 50 diver level training. Upon completion, the PADI Instructor Course Director will issue a Tec Deep Diver Certification.


Advanced Technical Diving Certifications